Ms. Bee Ti Ooi (BT) *

  • Director

Aged 52, and has been the non-executive director and member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee since May 2024.

Ms. OOI BEE TI joined SF Group since 2010 and currently she is the Head of Group Treasury and Financial Services Business Division. She also holds various directorship in subsidiaries or affiliates companies of SF Group both nationally and internationally.

Ms. OOI has been a non-executive director of SF REIT Asset Management Limited and Kerry Logistics Network Limited since 2022 and 2023 respectively.

Prior to joining SF Group, she held a number of senior corporate finance and treasury positions at Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. and several large US and European multinational companies for many years.

She graduated from Thames Valley University (now known as University of West London) with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting and Finance in the United Kingdom. She also attended the Director Accreditation Program (DAP) by Thai institute of Directors in 2024.