Revenue from Sales and Services

(THB Million)

Net Profit

(THB Million)
Remark: *1Q/2024 NPAT exclude one-time adjustment was THB (968) million, wider loss by 22% YoY.


(THB Million)
Remark: *1Q/2024 EBIT exclude one-time adjustment was THB (929) million, loss improved by 4% YoY.

(THB Million)

Consolidated Financial Statements
2022 2023 Q1/2023 Q1/2024
Revenue from Sales and Services 17,003 11,470 3,131 2,559
Net Profit -2,830 -3,880 -791 -968*/-1,188
EBIT -3,537 -4,515 -966 -929*/-1,149
Ramark : NET Profit * 1Q/2024 NPAT exclude one time adjustment was THB (968) million, wider loss by 22% YoY.
Remark : EBIT *1Q/2024 EBIT excluded one time adjustment was THB (929) million, loss improved by 4% YoY.